Un clown acrobate au mât chinois et un musicien aux questions existentielles. Des paroles en l'air qui questionneraient la vie sur Terre. L'espace est sens dessus dessous et interroge notre folie au quotidien. Accompagné par un musicien aux pieds sur terre, ce clown tendre et rock’n roll prend de la hauteur, effrayé par le brouhaha du monde, il essaie, là-haut, de mettre un pied devant l’autre.
Musicien ? Acrobate ? Philosophe ? Il est surtout... perché.
An acrobatic clown on a Chinese pole and a musician haunted by existential questions. Ethereal words that question life on earth. Space is turned upside down and calls into question our everyday madness. Accompanied by a musician with his feet firmly on the ground, this sweet, rollicking clown takes to the skies, frightened by the hustle and bustle of the world. Up there he tries to put one foot in front of the other.Musician? Acrobat? Philosopher? Mostly, he’s just … perched.